
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Can You Feel It?
Expect miracles.
That sounds good, like something worth doing, but what, exactly, does a miracle look like?
It's easy, really.
A miracle is the place where God injects Himself into our world. 
It's the place where He touches us, where He lets us get a glimpse, where He is, well, Himself in a world that is so not like Him.
And we should expect Him. He's here, all around, just waiting.

Lord, I have heard of your fame, I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our time. Make them known.--Habakkuk 3:2

This is not only a plea. It's an expectation of wonder, of revelation.
"Make yourself known," we say.
"With pleasure," He says, and then He reaches down.

We are God's people, and God is great. Why not expect great works from Him?
He loves us. Why not expect His touch?

The world will not change much. It will continue to disappoint and to fall into decay. We know that.
But God did not create us to drop us on our heads.
He has something wonderful for us in Himself. 
Anticipate Him.
Can you feel it?


  1. "He has something wonderful for us in Himself."
    Claiming that this next few days as we head out to rest and recreate for our anniversary. A good reminder any day, Joanne. Thank you.

    1. Ah Jody--
      May He bless you in recalling His perfect will for your lives as you have lived them for these 40 years.

  2. Amen, He DOES have a wonderful plan for our lives and we can trust Him to complete it!

    Re: your comment on my blog, It is amazing when God transforms our anger and bitterness into a caring love for that person, isn't it? Doesn't mean we have to be best friends but it does mean that we can love them as the Lord wants us to and pray for them.
