
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Who Really Rises

The sun does not rise.
Just saying.
That big yellow ball on the eastern horizon every morning is not the one moving.
We are.  The earth.  The blue marble.

Now, intellectually, we already know this.  The earth revolves around the sun, not the sun around the earth, but when I look out of the the window at 6AM, I think, "The sun is coming up."
But it isn't.  Instead, I am on the earth, and the part of the earth I occupy is turning to face the sun.  Every day, my patch of earth slowly rotates relative to our stationary sun, then turns during the night away from it.  Our dawn is simply my face turning into the light.

Now, when you think about it, this makes perfect sense.
God made the world to reflect Himself.
He is the sun...constant, glorious and full of light.  We are the earth...vacillating, moving now toward Him, now away. 

You remain the same, and Your years will never end.--Psalm 102:27
I, the Lord, do not change.--Malachi 3:6

God finds delight in us as we seek Him, as we turn from dark to light.
He does not move.
Luckily, that makes Him easy to find.


  1. What truth, "my face turning into the light"! I'll see the dawn differently now.

  2. I really like this insight. Yes, I think I'll see the dawn differently, too. And it may cause me to consider what way I'm facing!

    1. Hmmm...liking that thought. We can choose to look away, can't we? But all we would find there is darkness.

      Thanks, Sylvia.

  3. "our dawn is simply my face
    turning into the light"
    ....yes. a million glad yeses
    to this!
    thank you for this nourishing
    slice of grace,

  4. Great analogy! "God finds delight in us as we seek Him, as we turn from dark to light.
    He does not move." Yes, He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow.


  5. AMEN!! Good thinking, good manner of sharing good stuff.


  6. What a beautiful thought--God does not move. He's a rock--the rock of my salvation.

  7. "our dawn is simply my face turning into the light..."

  8. I'm stopping by from Jumping Tandem today.
    How beautiful!
    I truly love Sundays. Have a blessed week.

  9. Turning my face toward the that beautiful imagery of focusing on Jesus.

  10. I love this post!

    And, in the same way, those periods in my life when God seems far from me, I can rest assured He has not moved, and I need only turn my face toward Him to once again experience His radiant glory!

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. You are so right. We know this, but often don't stop to think about the earth moving towards the sun, the constant sun. In all of creation, He reminds us of Himself.

  12. "God finds delight in us as we seek Him, as we turn from dark to light.
    He does not move." YES and AMEN! Thanks for linking up to the spotLIGHT series. I love your posts.
